It is the umbrella term for the marketing of product / Brand using technologies & Internet. This is affordable, limited, easy to monitor and analyse.

A Set of beliefs:

RIGHT: Message, Person, Time, Frequency and Channel

Advertise by paying with Ad network through Publisher and media with consumers.     A buy side agency trading to be buyer with Ad server with Data Management platform. A Sell side to publisher to working for a buyer with Ad server to data management platform with AD Exchange.

Impression: a user sees an advertisement and any time a user opens an app / website in visible. When a user clicks on an advertisement and click through rate=click impression

Digital Media:

The three majors are the Earner Media, Paid Media and Owner media

Earner Media: Digital PR, Reviews, social media and partnership

Paid Media: Pay /Click, Digital ads, Retargeting and affiliate marketing

Owner media: website, Search Engine and Email marketing

The Digital Strategy to the Content, Analytics and Data in the Ads, SEO in the on-site and off-site, Website is the user experience and conversion optimization , Conversion marketing is the community ,public and word of mouth , Email is auto-Responders and newsletters, Mobile is the apps, messaging , Social is the FB, INSTA,TWITTER etc and CRM is the Inbound, Lead and conversion planning

Mistakes in Digital Marketing: The audience's perception of brands is a sign of distrust among employees, and failed campaigns create doubts in their minds. The ability to schedule posts is a great way to manage and ensure social media reaches its intended audience on time.

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