Overview of Strategy

  Overview of Strategy   1.      Objectives : you’re launching a new product, planning a marketing campaign, or even playing a game. 2.      Information : Research and data collection are essential. Understanding the environment, market trends, and customer preferences helps you make informed choices 3.      Analyze : SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) is a powerful tool. identifying your strong pieces, weak spots, potential moves, and threats 4.      Strategy : Involves creativity and decision-making. It is opening moves in chess or decides on your market positioning 5.      Implement : Execution time! Imagine you’re playing a real-time strategy game. It’s about deploying troops, building structures, and capturing territories 6.      Monitor : Just like adjusting your strategy during a chess match, you need to adapt. Monitor progress, gather feedback, and be ready to pivot 7.      Evaluate : Celebrate successes, learn from failures, and itera


Emphasizing the importance of Social Media INFLUENCERS: who specialize in brand placements within companies with brands 10 mins videos, bloggers and new growth and influences. It is refer to the practice of partnering with social media influencers to on platform such instagram,  You Tube and Threads. 

key point to influencer:

1. Engagement Efficiency: social media influencers is  the images Instagram within higher network engagement efficiencies than traditional celebrities. Achieved better network engagement efficiency like beauty influencers, advocating and promoting cosmetic of engagement efficiency

2. Maximizing ROI: Brands must ensure a close fit between type and the category of influencer promoting it within their social media posts. This influencer’s audience resonates with the product and perceives the endorsement as authentic and relevant

3. Personal Connections:  Brands with influencer’s can tap into their followers’ trust and affinity, authentic . Social media platforms provide an ideal space for these interactions, allowing influencers to showcase products in various formats, such as reviews, tutorials, or simple mentions in posts.

Influencer product placements play a crucial role in brand marketing, leveraging the power of social media influencer  and drive growth

Thank you,



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