Digital marketing on YouTube

Digital marketing on YouTube can be a powerful tool for brand visibility, audience engagement, and driving traffic to your business: 1. Optimize Your Channel : banner and profile picture that reflects your brand. 2. Content Strategy : Mix different types of content, such as tutorials, vlogs, interviews, reviews, and live streams. 3. SEO for YouTube :   Use tools like Google Keyword Planner or TubeBuddy to find relevant keywords. 4. Engaging Thumbnails : High Quality images, Text and Graphics and Consistency 5. Engagement : Call to Action , Community ,   Engage with your viewers 6. Promotion :   Share your videos on social media platforms and ADs 7. Analytics : YouTube Analytics and A/B Testing 8. Monetization :   Ad Revenue , Sponsorships and Merchandise 9. Trends and Updates:   Stay Updated and Innovate :   content and strategies based on the latest trends. Thank You SM

Modern SWOT Analysis

Modern SWOT Analysis

Swot Analysis will be useful in all strategic approach. This analysis will help us to determine the strategic planning & build competitive strategy for the brand / organization

Modern SWOT:

S – Stability (Provides support & strength)

W – Wanting (Delicate areas to improve or want to become strong)

O – Occasion (offers or creates the path)

T – Trouble (Problems)

Stability & Wanting

Both External & Internal analysis identifies the stability and wanting/need for the brand/ organization

·     External analysis will help us to understand the critical threats & opportunities

·     Internal analysis helps to identify its Brand / organizational strength & weakness

   Following points will come under stability & wanting

·       Brand names

·       Customer

·       Market Share

·       Promotion

·       Distribution

·       Product – service – Quality – differentiation - Cost

·       Public relations

·       Field force

Occasion & Trouble

Benefits & Demerits

·     Benefits of the brand are going to drive the goals

·     Benefits may lie on the own brands or on the external factors

·     Demerits of the brands will always result in troubles and that will always push the brand/organization to the negative side

   Following points will come under Occasion & Trouble

·       Socio-economic changes

·       Policies – Government / certified bodies

·       Market changes

·       Sometimes political changes will also have influence

Two-by-Two matrix: SWOT

 Occasion can be used properly to bring stability

 Troubles to be addressed to avoid the wanting of the brand

Example: SAMSUNG


§  Established brand

§  Largest global market share among smart phones

§  Innovative

§  Cost-effective


§  Weak brand strategy compared to brand leader

§  New launches are not successful

§  Low margins due to price


§  Entering into home appliances market like TV, Refrigerator, washing machine

§  Expanding geographically


§  Chinese Competitors

§  Legal & regulatory approval

§  Dominance of brand leader in US


SWOT analysis has been used in all business achieve the financial goals of the brand through specified brand strategy.

Hope this blog presents the technique seeks to reveal a clear understanding of Modern SWOT

Stay Tuned!



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