Digital marketing on YouTube

Digital marketing on YouTube can be a powerful tool for brand visibility, audience engagement, and driving traffic to your business: 1. Optimize Your Channel : banner and profile picture that reflects your brand. 2. Content Strategy : Mix different types of content, such as tutorials, vlogs, interviews, reviews, and live streams. 3. SEO for YouTube :   Use tools like Google Keyword Planner or TubeBuddy to find relevant keywords. 4. Engaging Thumbnails : High Quality images, Text and Graphics and Consistency 5. Engagement : Call to Action , Community ,   Engage with your viewers 6. Promotion :   Share your videos on social media platforms and ADs 7. Analytics : YouTube Analytics and A/B Testing 8. Monetization :   Ad Revenue , Sponsorships and Merchandise 9. Trends and Updates:   Stay Updated and Innovate :   content and strategies based on the latest trends. Thank You SM


Communication Strategy:

The communication should be very simple and clear. Communication is an effective tool that have the power to change anything.

Your communication should be related to your positioning of the brand.

Always try to use simple words, so that both our internal & external customer understand the crux of the message

The communication should build trust, loyalty, value, relationship & confidence in the minds of customer

Things to be considered while developing communication

1. Clarity

2. Correctness

3. Creativity

4. Conciseness

Contents of the communication

1. Positioning of the Brand

2. Customer type

3. Value Statements 1, 2, 3

4. Data / Benefits & Advantages of the Brand

5. Edge over competition

6. Punch line / Tag line of the Brand


Communication of Gelusil

1. Positioning – Heart burn

2. Customer type – People who are overeating / oily food / snacks

3. a.) just 2 spoons will give relief from the heart burn

    b.) Neutralizes the acid content in the stomach

4. Long lasting and fast acting / Takes care of Heart burn, Gas and Acidity and proven clinically

5. Provides Magnesium hydroxide 250 mg which reduces constipation due Aluminum hydroxide

6. Cool it… with Gelusil

Hope this page brings a better understanding

Thanks for reading…

Stay tuned!



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