
Overview of Strategy

  Overview of Strategy   1.      Objectives : you’re launching a new product, planning a marketing campaign, or even playing a game. 2.      Information : Research and data collection are essential. Understanding the environment, market trends, and customer preferences helps you make informed choices 3.      Analyze : SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) is a powerful tool. identifying your strong pieces, weak spots, potential moves, and threats 4.      Strategy : Involves creativity and decision-making. It is opening moves in chess or decides on your market positioning 5.      Implement : Execution time! Imagine you’re playing a real-time strategy game. It’s about deploying troops, building structures, and capturing territories 6.      Monitor : Just like adjusting your strategy during a chess match, you need to adapt. Monitor progress, gather feedback, and be ready to pivot 7.      Evaluate : Celebrate successes, learn from failures, and itera

social media


Essence of SEO very well!

Essence of SEO  : 1.      Visibility and Ranking Improvement : SEO aims to enhance a website's visibility in search engine results by optimizing 2.      Organic Traffic : Unlike paid advertising, SEO focuses on organic traffic, which is generated naturally through search engine results 3.      Strategies Involved : Key strategies include keyword like in titles, headers, and content, website structure enhancing user, building backlinks, and ensuring technical compatibility 4.      Benefits : This visibility can lead to more traffic, engagement, and conversions, as users are more likely to trust and click on organic search results Thank you SM

key aspects and benefits of WhatsApp marketing

  1.      Direct Communication Channel is customers in real-time. This direct interaction can be leveraged for customer support, sending personalized messages or polls. 2.      Customer Engagement : updates, notifications, and alerts about new products, services, or promotions and the customers informed and engaged. 3.      Building Relationships build stronger relationships with their customers lead to increased loyalty and repeat business. 4.      Cost-Effective : Compared to traditional SMS marketing, WhatsApp can be a more cost-effective solution, looking to reach a global audience. 5.      Rich Media Support : types of media such as text, images, videos, and documents. Businesses create engaging content and multimedia campaigns to attract and retain customers. 6.      Automation and Chatbots can include automated responses to frequently asked questions or transactional notifications. 7.      Global Reach : Attractive platform for businesses aiming to reach a diverse audience ac

Algorithm update

Existing Content : update old content to ensure it’s current, relevant, and provides real value User Experience : user experience on your site with easy navigation and fast loading times. E-A-T Principles : Emphasize Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness in your content creation Engagement Metrics : Monitor user engagement metrics like bounce rate and time on page to gauge content effectiveness Thank you SM

Standard Vs Dynamic marketing


"finger lickin"good

                                                                            " finger lickin"good Background KFC is the largest and most successful restaurant brand in China. KFC Launched in 1987, the brand has grown to encompass over 29000 stores in 147 cities in 2024. The very first KFC restaurant opened in Bangalore in 1995 . Fast forward to the present, when there are over 450 restaurants across the country . The chain is well known for the " finger lickin'' good " slogan . Challenge KFC won over Chinese consumers by adding local cuisine options like egg tarts, soy milk drinks, and rice porridge. By 1999, KFC had over 300 stores in China, and by 2001, it was Chinese consumers' favorite brand. Competition has been less in the fried chicken category. Popeyes is the only large global competitor with a presence in India, but it has a mere 32 stores in India currently KFC has mostly utilized the push and pull  attract customers. Growth strategy i